Release Date Moved!

Release Date Moved!

Did you think Fridays couldn’t get any better? Think again! I just got news from my publisher that His Haven’s release date has been moved to THIS FRIDAY. That’s right. You read that correctly. His Haven will be released Friday, July 26th now!

So now I’m scrambling to get all my promoting done. I emailed a bunch of people to let them know the date change, and now I feel like I won’t have the book trailer, banners, and giveaways done on time! Everything has been planned for August. Oh well! Looks like this month will be just as exciting as August!

Mark your calendars, everyone! This Friday! His Haven will be available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Book Strand, and SCP’s website. As soon as I get the links, I’ll post them!



One Response

  1. T.F.Walsh says:

    Huge party happening this Friday:)

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