Category: Uncategorized

Monstrous Cover Reveal

COVER REVEAL ~ MONSTROUS: A MONSTER ROMANCE NOVELLA Releasing February 24, 2022   Blurb: The dark voices aren’t real, they say. They tell me it’s all in my head. But the monsters want to play, you see. So they’ll come for me in my bed. ~ I’m still haunted by the monsters of my past.…
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DEATH MATCH (Reaper Reborn #3) is Live!

Jade isn’t your typical cloud-sitting, harp-playing kind of angel. After discovering she’s actually an Archangel, Jade Blackwell has to become the fierce warrior she is meant to be. First, she must Ascend by surviving a variety of trials in a treacherous labyrinth. Only then will she regain all her memories and be given control of…
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~“With your blood still coursing through Henri’s veins, you can be tracked. I need to get you back to the manor before he wonders where you are and realizes you’re gone.” Avrum held out a hand to her. She stared at the open palm with wide, fearful eyes. The skin there glistened against the amber…
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